Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Edjumacation From the Banksters

TD Bank wants to educate its customers on how to avoid nickel-and-diming fees that TD Bank will charge them.*

Here's my simple guide to avoiding those fees if you are a customer of TD Bank:

Close your accounts. Move your money elsewhere.

This has been a public service message from EBM. You're welcome
*The fees are a hell of a lot more than either a nickel or a dime, but you get my drift.


  1. In the process now. Not to put too strong a point on it but fuck Bunch of Assholes.

  2. Been a member of a CU since 83, I get a dividend and good rate and not hit for nickles and dimes. Before that it was always preferrnce for the local band bit the national chain.

    Boo hiss on big banks.



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