Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Distinction Between Ignorance and Stupid

You can't fix "stupid".
As allegations of sexual harassment from the 1990's continue to loom over Herman Cain's campaign this week, the GOP frontrunner is also raising eyebrows with his foreign policy remarks.

In an interview Monday, Cain said part of China's threat to the United States stems from its attempts to develop nuclear weapons -- even though China tested its first nuclear weapon in 1964.
China has ICBMs. They have ballistic missile submarines.

This isn't a matter of not knowing who the president is Uzbekistan. This is not knowing a central fact of global military matters: Who the major nuclear powers are.

Can Cain possibly be this ignorant? Does he even know what an ICBM is?


  1. An icey bem? Is that, like, a BMW that's slid backwards into the ditch in the ice and snow?

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Nah !! an icy BM causes freezing on a portion of the body that begins with "A"

  3. Now we know why Godfathers never offered a Chinese Pizza.

  4. The good thing for Cain is that knowledge of issues, people, events, and situations around the globe isn't any sort of prerequisite to be President- if it were, Obama would have never got in! "Where's Georgia? Is that near Kentucky"- Obama, 2008

  5. What I love about conservatives is their sense of humor. Or lack of one :).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  6. Ignorant....sounding the "g" hard: iggggnorant...has context in the South. It doesn't just mean uninformed or mis-informed, it means willfully, even cheerfully so. As in: "BillyBob was dumb as a post but his brother was iggggnorant". Usually applied to no 'count shiftless mean-assed rednecks, it now appears to be applicable to blacks as well. We need a new term for an igggnorant Oreo cookie.

    And another thing: The flat-Earth right-wing grins every time the left wing starts arguing rationally, starts debating on fact. It Is Important To Remember: far-right campaigning is all about whipping up your idiot fan-base. The truly igggnorant *don't want* to hear facts and are even P.O.'ed by them. It shows that the person debating (a silly thing to them) is an intelleckshul candy-ass elitist that they'd whup-ass if he walked into their bar.
    Just sayin'.


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