A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
Friday, October 7, 2011
It's Not So Much Fun When the Shoe Is On the Other Foot, Eric, Me Boy?
I don't remember him denouncing the Tea Party protests. Do you?
Do you remember Cantor any expressing alarm at the Teabaggers who were prattling on about "ballot box today, cartridge box tomorrow"? Me, neither.
But when the protests are aimed at the people who have been free-riding on the tax code, boy, Cantor gets all kinds of upset.
And Flip-Flop Mitt, fresh off approving construction plans for his new 11,000 square foot oceanfront mansion in California, threw out the old "class warfare" canard.
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Are the OW people carrying guns and talking about watering the tree of liberty?
ReplyDeleteNo, because carrying a gun without a permit in NYC would be good for 3.5 years in the state pen. Ask Plaxico Burris about that.