Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now, This Is the Way to Demonstrate On Wall Street!

Wall Street saw yet another surge in protesters today - as hundreds of Continental and United Airlines pilots demonstrated in New York City's financial district.

Can you imagine NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna hosing those guys down with pepper spray? No, that wouldn't happen. Those guys look like professionals because they are professionals. The optics if the NYPD abused those guys would be horrible and even the most brutal thugs on the NYPD know that.

Badtux is right about this: The Occupy Wall Street protestors look like a bunch of hipsters and other clowns. That is one reason why the press ignored them, until Inspector Bologna sprayed down a bunch of women who were not doing anything. That is one of the reason why the cops felt free to harass and abuse the protestors, for "Punch a Hippie" is an unofficial police sport.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta think that if the protesters dressed like bankers and traders and just walked around like rude assholes blocking everyone else's way, the cops would stand helplessly, quietly shitting themselves that they'd accidentally beat one of their masters.

    Is denial-of-service flash mobbing a thing yet?


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