Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Torture Airlines

The real name was Richmor Aviation. They provided aircraft and crew for flying people around the world to be tortured.

A lot of details are emerging as a result of litigation between companies involved. Of course, the U.S. press isn't covering it. But the Guardian (UK) is.


  1. I am Not that nieve, but I do seem to remember something dimly. From Waaay back in Grade school about being "the land of the Free and the home of the BRAVE".
    I guess after Bush that doesn't apply anymore. Too bad, I thought it was a Great Ideal to live up to.
    Oh well another day another handfull of peanuts.

  2. Bush was all about operating in PSH mode, and from what I can see, Young Barry has done little to tone that down.


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