Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fecking Cable Companies

One guess as to which cable company is the subject of this cartoon:


  1. If I substitute a certain third letter of the alphabet for the first and fourth letter in "Bombast," I bet I know...

    And they wonder why I won't bundle my services. "Bombast" sacrifices a tree every six months trying to get my business, not realizing that the phone and [separate] Internet service stopped pestering me!

  2. Compost keeps sending me notices saying that for just $10 more, I can get *super* Internet speeds. Errrm... they can't even deliver the *current* promised Internet speeds (and there's fine print in their contract sayin' they don't have to). So they want me to pay more for yet *more* empty promises? Yeah right.

    Badtux the Not-born-yesterday Penguin


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