Much of secular and liberal America watches anxiously at the prospect of another Texas president tied to the Christian evangelical movement. That unease is shared by progressive Christians who fear [Rick] Perry is identifying with the most conservative church leaders.George W. Bush started the Iraq War because he thought that G-d told him to. Rick Perry, a/k/a George W. Bush, Jr. (or "Little Dubya"), seems cut from the same bolt of cloth.
Once, decades ago, I was talking to my late father about what some clown was pulling. This frakker was doing some pretty awful stuff and, while he wasn't an evangelical, he was one of those who routinely told everyone what a good G-d-fearing churchgoer he was. I told my dad that I didn't understand how someone who claimed to be so religious could be such an asswipe.
Dad told me this: "When you believe that G-d is talking to you, you can justify anything you want."
Which is how we got where conservatives ran up the national debt and imposed a massive security apparatus which spies on everyone (not to mention engaging in various and sundry war crimes).
The thought that the GOP would even consider going back to nominating an undereducated Texas governor with a storied track record of claiming personal conversations with Jesus, not to mention arguably letting innocent men be executed, should fill every thinking American with horror. But since Americans who can critically think seem to be in short supply in today's Republican party, Perry might be a strong contender for the nomination.
The point that two years ago, Perry seemed to be more interested in running for the presidency of the Confederacy, will be considered at another time.
Just remember this -
ReplyDelete"Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be President, please pay attention." - Molly Ivins
And to add insult to injury this is a graduate of Texas A&M and he was a Yell Leader
ReplyDeleteTexans will elect any one to be governor. But it really helps if you are a hypocrite.
"Yell Leader"? Does that mean that Little Dubya was also a cheerleader?
ReplyDeleteWhy yes little commander bunny pants was a cheerleader also.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that electing another copy of the little turd confirms my opinion that much of the U. S. electorate is suicidal.
Just like Kay Bailey Hutchinson was also a cheerleader when she was in college.
ReplyDeleteAt the time that Gov of Texas was in College Station, the cheerleader/yell leader were all alleged to be male.
I like the comment that he is GWB without the brains. Actually, I'm frightened by it because I fear it may be true.
ReplyDeleteMaybe nominating him is the GOP's way to get us to look back nostalgically on President Cod Piece.
I believe these god bothering s.o.b.'s make attractive candidates because of the ease with which they bear false witness.
ReplyDeleteBTW did you know they changed the name of the town that A & M is located in to College Station so the students would know when to get off the train. :))
Speaking of the late Molly Ivins, when comparing Perry and W, she referred to dubya as "the smart one."
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to have shit for brains when your head is stuck so firmly all the way up one's ass.