Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wait, What??

If I go outside and find out that my Honda has morphed into a unicorn that is farting eyeballs, I guess I won't be too surprised.

(A translation of the lyrics)



  1. Fairy tales in Hell?

    What's up with the creepy faceless sidekick? Among other things. That might actually give me nightmares.

  2. I got through the first minute before terminal nausea set in. Ten minutes of that and I will confess to anything.

  3. -- So, the Japanese have discovered LSD?

  4. Don, apparently so, and not the good stuff, either.

  5. I shared this link on Facebook, and immediately got this in response from a friend. If you thought "PonPonPon" was out there, wait til you get a load of this and its... err... Japanese-ness.

    BTW, it's NSFW. And not safe for fragile minds. I know mine was a little bent afterwards.

  6. That is supremely sick.


  7. Seems to be a children's anatomy lesson.

    I hope.

    Makes Pee Wee Herman look like Fred Rogers.


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