Monday, July 18, 2011

Borders is Bankrupt Dead

All that is left is to liquidate it (and fire 11,000 people). That leaves only Barnes & Noble for a national book chain and I imagine that they aren't doing so well.


  1. There's also Books-a-Million with 200 stores. We have one here in town and I love going there, although I must admit I haven't bought anything there in some time.

    Quite frankly, between my Nook Color, my wife's Nook, and Amazon Prime free 2-day shipping, BAM can't compete. I mean, it's one thing if you're talking a dollar or two difference, but most of the history and research books I want I can get for $$$ less at Amazon. I can wait the 2 days. Also, the pure entertainment reads - i.e. the ones I'll read once and that'll wind up as clutter on my shelves - are cheaper to get on the Nooks and obviously won't take up space.

    Nostalgia for the printed page only goes so far before the wallet starts screaming.

  2. B&N is losing money, yes. But they're not gushing money. They're pretty close to break-even now that they've shuttered all the money-losing B. Dalton mall bookstores, and ebook and Nook sales will likely push them over the top next quarter.

    - Badtux the Bookish Penguin

  3. WP, I get my books from the local library. There are very few books anymore that I want to own and, if I do read one that I'd like to have, then I'll buy it.

  4. @Badtux: When the mall Waldenbooks shut down a couple years ago, the liquidation sale was the only time I'd ever actually seen people in it. It was rather sad.

    @CM: You can borrow digital editions from the public library on the Nook. Here's a step-by-step that doesn't seem too terrible.

    The only library I hit around here is the Naval Aviation Museum's small research library. I've spent hours there researching things for a novel and articles. Many of the books were donated by veterans and show their heritage. For example, in researching airships, I opened one book to find an inscription on the inside cover from one of the K-ship captains congratulating a fellow captain for something or other. Cool little bits like that make the history come alive.

    It's an inspiring place.

  5. Most B&Ns have deals with colleges to provide texts. They ain't going anywhere.

    Now if only I had any spare cash to go pick Borders' bones to get some good books.

    This economy blows dead goats.

  6. Thing is, though, it'll be the liquidators selling the stuff, not Borders. And those clowns often don't give deals any better than the stores did.


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