Friday, June 3, 2011

Buh-Bye, Johnny Boy

A hell of a fall.
Criminal charges are likely to be filed Friday against John Edwards, the culmination of a two-year federal investigation into money used to cover up his extramarital affair during the 2008 presidential election.
He has got this coming. I don't believe that the law dispassionately holds using campaign money to cover up an affair to be any different than using campaign contributions for personal expenses, but I sure as hell do. There would seem to be a bit of a moral distinction between the two offenses.

The only good thing, if you can even call it that, is that Elizabeth Edwards isn't around to watch this sordid matter play itself out.


  1. If he's guilty put him so far back in the cell they gotta pipe him the food.

  2. rich people are so cheap they don't even use their own money to pay for sex.


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