Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wait, What??

From Rick Santorum's Twitter Feed:
After today's sermon on compassion, I'm reflecting on my duty to turn my back towards homosexual acts while also embracing my fellow man.
OK, so we now know that he is a bottom.
Off to church with the whole entire extended family. Sometimes we joke the priest must get tired of all the Santorum he has to deal with.
I thought that the Vatican was cracking down on priests who did such things.
I vow to keep dirty politics behind us, America: There will be no Santorum smear on any of my opponents.
Nice to know that ol' Rick helps his partners clean up after sex.
I support our troops. When I am elected each and every American soldier will feel me behind them.
Rick, you are aware that most of them are straight and that they have access to firearms?
We know we have a lot of work ahead, but by the end of this year, Santorum will be on the lips of every young Republican.
I might even pay money to see that.

Yeah, I know. It's probably fake. But if it is, it's a good one. Of course, it does help if you're aware of the joke.

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