Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some People Are Serious Assholes

I try to go for a walk every day. One of my routes is on a road that goes through/over a wetland. It's a secondary road that is busy at times, but it's fairly safe to walk and the view is nice.

The turtles are active, at least as much as turtles are. Today I saw two of them that had been run over. Both turtles had been well on the shoulder of the road. One of the carcasses was a good seven or eight feet away from the traveled way.

So some asshat swerved his car or truck that far off the road so that he could experience the thrill of running over a nearly stationary creature.

Douchebag. If I were writing the laws, I'd have the fuckers that do such things neutered with rusted hacksaws.


  1. did you get the jerk's plate? i'm thinking they're probably a protected species and even if not your local animal control department should take an interest.

  2. Nah, forget the rusted hacksaw, make it more appropriate to the crime....have an 18-wheeler run over this balls.

  3. dbliss, no, I just saw the carcasses. I didn't see it happen.


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