Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Drink More Coffee!

Drinking lots of coffee may lower the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer for women.

Coffee may reduce the risk of strokes for women.

Coffee helps women handle stress (but doesn't help men).

And it may reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men.

Coffee-- health food for those on the go!


  1. Gee, I guess I'll have to go back to (decaf) coffee, just as i was getting used to 4+ solid hours of sleep!

    There's no winning.

  2. D., the secret is to stop drinking coffee at noon. Given 12 hours to clear out, the caffeine is generally gone by midnight. Then you can get a good solid 4+ hours of sleep before you have to get up in the morning.

    - Badtux the Coffeeholic Penguin
    * who needs to follow his own advise :).

  3. Coffee is certain to make you go..

    I'm in the group where if I get cafinated after about 2pm I pay for by trips to the head at night. Getting to sleep, not a problem.

    National Geographic did a story on coffee
    years ago and it's a unique food.


  4. If Ol' Sarge didn't get his coffee, the troops would have a shitty day.

    My coffeepot has been around the world and back. Worth every penny of the $12 I paid for it.

    Even found myself a French press made of plexiglass for use in the field.

    When the docs tell me I have to give it up or else, guess I'm just gonna die. With a cup of lifer juice in my hand of course.


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