Monday, May 23, 2011

Bringing the Hurricane

There is a paper (PDF) on the Small Wars Journal that advocates that any future interventions/wars be of the "hurricane" model. The concept that is when it is in our national interest to go to war somewhere, what we should do is bring a very large amount of violence, smash the targets to smithereens and then leave. Occupations are to be avoided, as they are extremely costly and the prospects for a good outcome are not at all favorable.

There is much to consider. If we are going to go to war, the fight should be on our terms, playing to our strengths. Fighting a protracted land war on the other side of the planet is folly.

(I've sort of said this before.)

1 comment:

  1. That certainly would justify those billion-dollar toys. It's what we're best at, too.

    I don't know if it appeals to the Righties, though. They like the idea of boots on the ground, because they know they can get Bibles moved around that way. And prevent freedoms.


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