Monday, April 11, 2011

Memo to All You Republicans Who Are Thinking About Voting For Donald Trump

The Donald once tried to use eminent domain to take an old lady's house so he could have a parking lot for limos at his casino.

Since most rank-and-file Republicans* seemed to have been aghast at the outcome of Kelo v. New London, they might want to know that.

By the way, the Donald's casino operation has been so sound that it has gone bankrupt three times.
*As opposed to the business elite Republicans, which probably include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers, who presumably are just fine forcibly with taking a person's home so they can make more money.


  1. I don't think anybody's taking him seriously.

    Hell, I don't think anybody is taking ANY of the possible Republican candidates seriously.

  2. I read Tam's post about the Donald.

    At least for the GOP, it is starting to look as though the idiocracy has arrived 495 years early.


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