Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Just Can't Be Outraged By The Supreme Court Anymore

The Roberts Court is a reliable defender of the interests of business and corporations against consumers and people. This decision, where the pro-business justices permitted corporations to nickel-and-dime consumers with stupid fees, is no real surprise.

No rational person is going to sue over thirty bucks. The only way to get redress against this sort of deep-paragraph boilerplate bullshit was through class-actions. The Supremes just told businesses to go ahead and go crazy with adding such "death by a thousand cuts" fees.

It's what the Robert Court does. If there is an individual on one side and a corporation on the other, it's not even a close call: Corporations win.

Corporations own the Supreme Court, in the same way that they own the GOP, the Klan Tea party and at least 7/8th of the Democratic party. If you lined up every politician in Washington who cares about the interests of those who are neither rich nor incorporated, you could seat them all in a school bus and have more than enough seats left over for the non-corporate justices.


  1. "It's what the Robert Court does. If there is an individual on one side and a corporation on the other, it's not even a close call: Corporations win."

    Well, except in Kelo.

  2. Kelo is not an exception. The condemning entity was a quasi-government corporation which was seeking to take away people's homes for business interests (Pfizer Pharmaceuticals being one of them).

    Corporate interests won there.

  3. Ack, my mistake. I wasn't thinking clear and thought you meant the 5 typical conservative justices instead of the entire court.


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