Saturday, April 2, 2011


George on computer desk chair.

Jake is on the heated cat bed, attending to some personal matters.

I told a friend that those heated cat beds were just pisser. She was reluctant to order one, so I said: "If your cats don't like it, I'll buy it from you."

So now I have two of them. Gracie is on the other one.

Caturday interloper alert!


  1. Interloper looks a tad bit nervous...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, the interloper looks nervous to me, too. As if secret cat language delivered a scary message!

  4. That's not nervous, that is outright fear.

  5. I'll trade you Caturdays :)

    We have 2 full time interlopers as well, both of who get reminded , er ....sharply, on regular occassions (usually around breakfast time) that they are lower on the household and evolutionary totem poles thank you vewry much :)


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