Thursday, March 3, 2011

Because Rich Republicans In Texas Have to Have Somebody to Mow Their Lawns, Feed Their Kids and Swamp Their Floors!

Which is why, Dear Reader, it will soon be a felony in Texas to employ an undocumented worker unless you are rich enough to be able to afford to hire household help.

Then it will be just fine to hire an illegal immigrant to work for you. Because Biff and Muffy will have the vapors if they can't hire Consuelo to cook and clean for them.

There is another aspect of the bill that is just pure thievery masking as taxes: There would be an 8% tax on wire transfers from Texas to Latin America, for there is nothing like putting more of a burden on the working poor.


  1. I'll keep it simple..

    Four legs good two legs better. We have a class system.


  2. Not to mention that a state tax on wire transfers to Mexico is blatantly illegal. The Constitution grants all power over interstate commerce to the Federal government. The moment any part of a commercial transaction involves any place outside the borders of Texas, it's illegal for Texas to tax it specially unless explicitly given permission to do so by the Federal government. This is especially true of international transactions. I don't think even the Bush-league Supremes we currently have would support any interpretation of the Commerce Clause that claimed that actual interstate commerce was not, in fact, commerce.

    The ACLU of Texas has their work cut out for them on this one...

    - Badtux the Commerce Penguin


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