Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Four Dead

Four Americans were killed by pirates who had hijacked their yacht.

Four pirates are also dead, two killed by their compatriots, two killed by SEALs. The rest have been captured. A few hundred years ago, they'd have just been hung from the yardarm of the nearest warship. Now they'll probably be guests in the Graybar Hotel for the next 30 years.

I'm not big into blaming victims. The yachters clearly have the right to sail where they want. But passing on the choices of either shipping their boat and bypassing the pirate-infested waters or sailing in a convoy through such waters was as dumb as passing on the opportunity to sail in a convoy during the days that the U-Boats were operating. Convoys were also successfully used for protection during the old days of piracy.

Pirates are like jackals, they will attack those vessels which are alone and vulnerable.


  1. According to World Nut Daily, the yacht was full of Bibles that they intended to hand out in Somalia. Now, Birfer Central is less reliable than the National Enquirer, but if true, it would be a) incredibly stupid, and b) explain why they split off from the other yachts. But again, we're talking WND, so who knows.

    -- Badtux the Also-baffled Penguin
    *Who monitors World Nut Daily so you don't have to :)

  2. And they'd been doing this for years. They are being portrayed as such good and fine people. Well we are too but we don't do around the globe attempting to mind fuck others with pure bull shit.

  3. Badtux, thanks for reading WND, for I'm sure as hell not going to.

  4. And believe me, you're all the better for it, Comrade. It's like watching Fox News... leaves you feeling somewhat slimed.

    - Badtux the WND-bletched Penguin

  5. Yes, it's a known thing they were handing out bibles. They had a large supply on board. this comes from a separate source as they were radio amateurs and actively communicating.

    While what they do is there choice they
    did pass on an opportunity to convoy through the area. Obviously (IMO) they believed their books and fuzzy goodness would protect them from harm. Unfortunately the pirates are pure evil and didn't give a rats bottom. Its money and oh yes, money.


  6. Does this make the victims martyrs?

  7. The Bibles in the hold, passing on the convoy, plus one of the couple being quoted as saying that if anything should happen to them to remember they died doing what they loved--I certainly have a suspicion that they were tempting fate. I feel like the ancient Roman who wondered if the Christians wanted to die so much, why they didn't just hang themselves.


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