Friday, February 25, 2011

Corporations-- Poisoning Our Food Supply

Probably not deliberately (though I'd not put anything like that past them), but there is a report that Roundup-Ready plants are hosting a rather nasty new form of pathogen.

I'd like to see some confirmation of this one, and pretty damned soon.

As for me, I am not a big fan of genetic engineering of anything. I think we know too little about what could go wrong, especially when the work is being done for a profit motive. There is too much history of corporations blithely ignoring safety risks to presume that the ag companies would be any different.



  1. Of all the things Republicans and libertarians think, this one scares me the most. How do they not pucker in terror over the thought of what they propose? Dissolving the FDA and EPA, and expecting 'market forces' to convince rapacious corporations not to kill off every last human on the continent.

    Corporations have already demonstrated they have no interest in having a population of actual potential customers. They intend to make up the loss in sales by rooking their employees harder. All the better if it kills them, too.

  2. Speaking as a professional grain farmer who has used 'Round-Up Ready' technology in soybeans since it came on the market, the worst thing about it is.........MONSANTO!!!!

    They are a criminal organization masquerading as a Fortune 500 company. They can give lessons to the mafia...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James


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