Friday, January 7, 2011

WaPo Sucks Up to the New Congress

They did that by not mentioning that the Confederacy Party's attempt to repeal the health care law will add to the deficit.

They did that by buying into the horseshit that it is solely government spending which has ballooned the deficit.

They did that by buying into the horseshit ladled out by the party of Hoover that they are the ones with "fiscal discipline", which completely ignores the massive growth of the deficit during the administrations of the last three Republican presidents.

But hey, the Washington Post has to suck up to anyone they can in their desperate need to keep the government from cracking down on the rip-off factories that are the on-line for-profit "universities," one of which, Kaplan Test Prep U., is their big profit engine. Without KTPU, the Wapo might go the way of the Washington Star.


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