Monday, January 24, 2011

SciAm Knows Its Readership

You can see that on full display in the "Anti Gravity" humor column this month. The columnist is writing about how modern medicine and technology would have changed the story line of the opera La Bohème; he mentions that one of the characters coughs in the show and explains the significance of that by saying it is equivalent to "wearing a red shirt in a Star Trek landing party."

(OK, maybe it's not that funny.)


  1. It *is* that funny. Sorry, I'm a geek :).

    - Badtux the Geeky Penguin

  2. I'm lost. What's the red shirt? the guy who gets killed?

  3. In the original series, when things went sideways on a landing party, the first guy to die almost invariably wore a red shirt.

  4. Here ya go. The phenomenon has its very own Wikipedia page! Who coulda known?

    - Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin


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