Monday, January 24, 2011

Maybe Homeschooling Is Looking Attractive

It may look pretty good when the option is going to a grammar school that will suspend a first-grader because he points a finger and says "Pew! Pew! Pew!"

I am presuming that at some point in the career of a school administrator, they open up their skulls and scoop out their prefrontal cortexes with melon ballers.



  1. I admit that is pretty much over the top, that being said, it really ticks me of to have any weapon, toy or otherwise, pointed in my direction. It is never to early to teach your future bell tower sniper proper muzzle contro;

  2. The crime of using imaginary weapons should be treated in just that way. Imaginary handcuffs and imaginary bars and an imaginary term. We must not coddle the little beast! He should also be imaginarily tried as an adult who pointed a finger and went, "Pew! Pew! Pew!"

    And the school administrators should be paid a handsome imaginary wage for the work they think they fucking do.

  3. Allan, exactly.

    But what about water guns? Huh? Huh? Those darn Libruls want to take away mah water pistol.

  4. Oops, that was supposed to be in Caribou Barbie's voice, but I forgot to escape the HTML

  5. A suspension? Err, what ever happened to telling the little tad, "kid, don't do that. Shooting people isn't funny"? I thought teachers were there to, like, teach, and this sounds more like a teachable moment to me than something that should get the kid sent home.

    Oh wait, I'm making sense, which automatically disqualifies me from being a school administrator :).

    - Badtux the Former Teacher Penguin

  6. Zero tolerance=zero thought.

  7. I like the idea of gun control, but suspending primary school kids for bringing toy guns to school, or doing Star Wars sound effects is insane. We did a lot worse than that in school when I was growing up, and somehow we managed to get an education, anyway.


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