Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why Aren't These Banksters Doing Hard Time?

Fraud, double-dealing, you name it, they were doing it.

You can bet that if they stole fifty bucks from the till, they'd be doing time, all right. But no, they defrauded their own bank and it investors and for that, they walked away with huge bonuses. No shock, the SEC under Chimpy did nothing. Not that they would, now.

Who says crime doesn't pay?


  1. Oh dear EBM, I thought you were in the law field? Surely by now you know that prison is for the little people, not for the Masters of the Universe. Sheesh!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Bank crimes have been a hallmark of the Bush family for a long time. The shame is that we think of them as normal nowadays.


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