Friday, December 3, 2010

Wait, What?

A steam-powered record player:


  1. I haven't played this video, since I'm at work. But I'll assume the steampunk record player is playing a Kraftwerk album.

  2. As an ex navy puke with a steam ticket...I WANT ONE!

  3. No, Nangleator, they chose the Sex Pistols for some reason. Perhaps that's because the singer's voice warbled somewhat naturally.

    In any event, it sounds about like you'd expect when you hook a toy steam engine up to a turntable using belt drive and a minimal flywheel. I'd think a better design would be something where the engine runs a big flywheel, which in turn runs the turntable via a belt.

    If the engine had a good enough governor, it just might work.

  4. Hmm. Now that I look at it in fullscreen, that looks like quite a large flywheel, actually. Just reinforces my point, though. Toy steam engines don't turn at anything remotely close to a constant rate.

    Still, it's a cute idea.

  5. How about a little steam engine that runs a little generator for the 12 volts DC needed to run the typical turntable? Other than THAT, it is a very cool little invention, good sound quality or not. thanks!


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