Monday, December 20, 2010

Southern Revisionist Horseshit: "The Civil War Wasn't About Slavery"

If you buy the crap that is being handed out by the apologists for the Confederacy, then you should at least stir yourself to read some of the declarations of secession.

South Carolina's for example, in which the only named grievance was that the northern states had become hostile to the institution of slavery.

Texas's declaration briefly mentioned two other grievances, but the man thrust of it was that they had to secede to preserve the right to own other human beings as slaves.

Georgia declared secession because the northern states opposed the ownership of slaves.

Mississippi: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."

Saying that the southern states attempted to secede for reasons other than slavery is like trying to explain daylight without mentioning the Sun.


  1. There's also the fact that slavery was constitutionally protected under the Confederate Constitution -- no state was allowed to ban it. So much for the whole "state's rights" argument...

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. When the sainted Lincoln did the Emancipation Proclamation, (which led to the juneteenth celebrations)
    The appointed president of the confederacy said loudly in the strongest terms that the war WAS about slavery.... DUH
    Of Course it was read the Southern States' constitutions
    AND a pox on the folks who attended the seccionist ball in SC


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