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Thursday, December 2, 2010
An Open (and Futile) Message to President Obama
Dear Mr. President:
As you try to find some sort of common ground with Republicans, please try to keep this in mind: They hate you.
Seriously. They despise you. They cannot get past the fact that you're a Democrat and you're an African-American. Do you think it is coincidence that at least half of the Republicans in this country believe that you were born in Kenya?
The Republicans hate you. They hate your presidency. They would drag this country into another depression if they could, so they would have a chance of defeating you in 2012. They are lusting for a successful terrorist attack so they can use that to run against you.
A goodly number of Republicans are praying for your violent death. If they found you on the street without your Secret Service detail, they would knock you to the ground and stomp you to death. No, I'm not engaging in hyperbole when I write this.
These are the people that you seem to think that you can find a common ground with. Here's a free tip: Their definition of "common ground" is "you agreeing to what they want." As you saw during the health care bill debate, even if you agree to what they propose, they will then reject your capitulation and demand more from you.
To put it bluntly: A good number of Republicans place the political good of their party ahead of their country. They are a pack of seditious goons.
You negotiate with them at your peril. If you go too far in caving into the Republicans, you will run the risk of facing a primary challenger. Modern history has shown that when a president faces a strong challenger from his side of the aisle, he likely will lose in the general election. President Johnson knew that and threw in the towel after the New Hampshire primary. President Carter had to spend energy and funds to fend off a challenge from Ted Kennedy and he lost the election. The first President Bush had it even worse, he faced both a challenger from the Right, from Pat Buchanan (representing the Fascist wing of the party) and then a conservative challenge in the general election from Ross Perot, resulting in Bill Clinton's winning the election.
From the day that you won the election, the GOP has declared war on you and your presidency. For the good of our Republic, for the sake of your friends and supporters, and for the love of G-d, I beseech you: Stop channeling Neville Chamberlain and start fighting back!
Happy holidays!
Sincerely, EBM
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I wrote a rebuttal to this a year and a half ago. I followed up a couple of weeks ago. Obama isn't compromising or folding. He's getting what he wants. Look at who he's chosen as his advisors, and what he said before he was running for President. Then look at what he's done. Then it will make sense. He's not going to honk off the folks who keep his campaign committee afloat, and you and I are not those folks.
ReplyDeleteOn economic matters, the only difference between the Democrats and Republicans these days is that the former didn't have the nerve to let unemployment run out. They're going to leave that one to the GOP.
Do you really think that if Obama continues down this path that he will motivate the millions of people who gave donations to his campaign to open their checkbooks again?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
If he truly wants to be "corporatist lite", then what the hell is the difference between him and Boehner? At least the Republicans are nakedly honest in their advocacy for the destruction of the middle class and their stance in favor of massive income inequality.
Comrade, just for shits and giggles did you send this to the White House? If nothing else, make them hit the delete button.
ReplyDeleteMontag, I did, indeed. For all of the good it will do.
ReplyDeleteYour politics is depressing, you have a f****d if you do, f****d if you don't political enviroment.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats are limp and impotent and are satisfied at that. The republicans are so sociopathicly self serving that they would have the US implode rather than not be allowed at the feeding trough.
I see no hope for you guys....Allan
Allan, you had better hope otherwise. If this country does implode, there will be one hell of a swarm of refugees heading your way.
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question, EB, I suspect some will still be giving. I still get the feeling that lot of them will never figure out what's going on. He's doing the best he can. He doesn't have the support of [fill in the blank]. The Republicans are meanies. Everyone expects more because he's black. You won't have to look too far to find all of those excuses still floating up in comments and articles. Those people are never going to get it, because they just don't want to.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should have been more specific as to who I meant by "folks who keep his campaign committee afloat". They're the rich and powerful. All those people who gave all those small donations were a nice bonus, but Obama got more from the big donors than anyone else did, too. They're the ones how count.
I expect that Obama will be a one term President. What that means depends on how fast progressives and the Democratic Party wise up. Right now, that outcome to be President [Romney|Huckabee|Palin], but it's always possible that the left will wise up in time.
Meanwhile, that's who Obama is. He's not going to get up the nerve to do the right thing, because he is doing the right thing as far as he's concerned. If I were into wishing for things with that probability of occurrence, I might as well wish I could wake up sandwiched between Caprica Six and D'Anna Biers.