Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Reason It Sucks to be Unemployed

I went by my local gun shop last week. What I was looking for was a safety-orange watch cap. My exercise program involves walking, it's brought me down to a lower weight than I've been in at least six years, but anything I can do to be a little more noticeable to traffic helps.

Actually, I found a better watchcap at Tractor Supply. It is made of thinsulate and they had two variants: One with the Carhart logo for $8 and one without the logo for $4. I'm of the mind that if somebody wants me to wear their advertising, they had better pay me for it, so I bought the $4 one.

Anyway, what the gun shop had in the used gun case was one of these:

A 6" Colt Python.

I have always lusted after them. I got to shoot one at a range 25 years ago and I thought that the owner was going to have to beat me half-to-death in order to get it back. It made the 6" Smith & Wesson Model 19 that I was shooting look clunky.

I've never been able to justify the cost, and I can't now.

But they sure are sweet revolvers.

1 comment:

  1. SuWHEEET! I want one too :). Alas, as with you, I can't really justify it, I need something a bit more... concealable.

    - Badtux the Armed Penguin


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