Saturday, December 18, 2010

Naval Air Museum

Well over 100 photos from the museum.


  1. Been there. Done that. An awesome place. Well worth a day.

    Don Brown

  2. I live 20 minutes from there. Sometimes, on days when I need inspiration for my writing, I go down there and just walk around and take it in.

    Everything there has a story. My favorite is the SBD Dauntless that sits right outside their library. It was apparently shot up on the ground at Pearl Harbor, repaired, and then flown in the battle of Midway. You can still see the metal patches from where it took Japanese fire and riveted some plate over the holes.

    Fun fact: the carrier deck that they built in the WWII section (look for the Hellcat and Corsair pics) is assembled from spare decking planks from WWII.

  3. Great pics, but no identification. Some I recognize, some I don't. Even if I recognize them, I still don't know what most of them are called.

  4. Picture 14 inspired this article. Thanks for the link.


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