Monday, December 27, 2010

LockMart Continues to Feed at the Government Trough

Lockheed-Martin's modernization of the FAA's air traffic control system is running six years late (at least) and is over half a billion dollars over budget.

Don Brown noted that the FAA released this bit of news in timing that virtually guaranteed that the story would be buried.

Bet you won't hear a peep out of Sen. Coburn and the Teabaggers over this. Big government contractors swilling from the Treasury's feed trough never seems to inspire any outrage from them. But try to help veterans, the 9-11 first responders or other people who are down on their luck and, oh my gawd, listen to the cries of the Teabaggers who all of a sudden care about government spending.

UPDATE: Read this post about how because a private contractor is screwing the pooch, the ideological wreckers of government think that the answer is to turn government over to the private contractors.

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