Friday, December 10, 2010

GOP: Tax Breaks for the Rich--Ja; Food Safety--Nein!

The party of the Confederacy will hold up a bill to improve food safety until the rich get their tax breaks.

Here is what galls me: Long-term capital gains are taxed at 15%. So if your great-great-granddaddy was a robber baron or if your great-granddaddy was a bootlegger and you are getting a tidy income from the family trust fund, you pay only 15% of that income in Federal income tax. Regardless of how much it is.

I see nothing fair in that. And that is before the long-cherished dream of the GOP to reduce the income tax on capital gains to zero.

Which means that the trust-fund babies would truly be what they are: Worthless sponges.


  1. Despicable worthless sponges.

  2. I wouldn't but the idea has a certain sick appeal..

    Start shooting the rethugs starting with M McConnell, then on down the rank till education is rediscovered and maybe the light goes on as well. Maybe a Dem too for lack of spine!

    Heck their only poli-varmints .



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