Monday, December 13, 2010

Ah, the Joys of Being Jewish

You don't have to worry about this stuff:

On the other hand, you do get to worry about a cat setting its fur on fire from investigating the menorah a little too closely.


  1. Cat caught its fur on fire?! R U serious?!

  2. No, that's why I worry about it. I've caught George investigating the menorah a little to closely for my comfort in earlier years.

  3. The thing to watch is the tail. My guys are always dragging their tail through their water, then getting upset because their tail is wet. Yeah, geniuses they ain't :).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  4. That's the main reason I went from using candles for emergency lighting to using a kerosene hurricane lamp.

  5. Yeah, a cat streaking through the house with its tail on fire could be a bit... annoying. :)

    My emergency lighting nowdays is LED lanterns or flashlights. Don't have to worry about them catching a cat on fire or the cat knocking it over and catching the house on fire. I still do have two kerosene lanterns on my fireplace mantel, and a quart bottle of lamp oil for them, but haven't needed them anytime recent.

  6. Oh noo..

    Visualize tree, cat gravity converging.



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