Sunday, November 21, 2010

When You Get Groped in Order to Board AF1, Come Talk To Me.

President Obama said today he sympathizes with passenger complaints about aggressive body pat-downs at airports, but his counter-terrorism aides say they are necessary to guard against hidden explosives.

Balancing privacy and security is a "tough situation," Obama told reporters at a news conference following the NATO summit in Lisbon, Portugal.
That's it? "It's necessary for thee but not for me (or John Boehner), so suck it up" is the best you can do, Barry? Mindless intrusion of personal liberties is what we expected from the last president. I had hoped that this president would be slightly different. (It is somewhat amusing to see Republican outrage on TSA groping, considering that they supported every security measure proposed by the Bush Administration and that "zOMG, the terrerists is gonna kill us" has been at the core of their political strategy for years.)

On another note, the TSA has spent 40 billion dollars so far as they have ramped up from stealing stuff from passengers' luggage to a national program of sexual assaults. There is probably a good reason why the enemy is referring to their attempts to penetrate aircraft security as "Operation Hemorrhage". And supposedly the TSA gropers, at least those who aren't training to be level III sex offenders, are not overly thrilled at groping being part of their duties.


  1. I have yet to hear of TSA actually accomplishing anything; seems like a waste of time and money, and an insult to the public's intelligence.

  2. I wonder how many people have decided Uncle Sam is the enemy because of this.


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