Thursday, November 25, 2010

Was "Opt-Out Day" a Bust?

Apparently not, for the TSA opted not to use the nudie-scopes for most people:
Lines at DIA's checkpoints typically were short and most travelers were clearing security by passing through metal detectors. The airport was busy, but security lines moved swiftly throughout the day.

Compared with the high volume of travelers moving through the checkpoints, relatively few passengers were being singled out for screening by advanced-imaging scanners...
Note that the two reporters who wrote the story were unable to understand that the "opt out" protests were based on the use of the full-body scanners and if the scanners weren't used, there was nothing to opt out of.

1 comment:

  1. Just maybe..

    TSA smart folks had the idea that having lines backed up in the insecure areas was more of a risk as anyone could be there and do harm before ever getting inspected and detected.

    Just a security hole and all.



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