Monday, November 29, 2010

"Surely you can't be serious!"
"I am serious, and don't call me `Shirley'."

Leslie Nielsen has died. He was 84.

If you have never seen the movie "Airplane!", then I don't know you. (You should also watch some of "Police Squad".)


  1. He always busted me up. Here is a min interview not to be missed. I'm thinking of posting it as a tribute to Leslie.

  2. It gave me a pang to see that he died...only this past weekend we streamed "Forbidden Planet" on Netflix and watched the young Leslie play a starship captain in the sci-fi classic.

  3. I loved Airplane and the Naked Gun movies. He was also quite good in a couple of guest spots on Due South. And yes, as Labrys noted, he was in Forbidden Planet, too. He used to joke that he played comic roles the same way he played dramatic roles, and let the script handle the details, but that's not quite true. He could be spot on in both.

  4. EB, I do believe you have a sweet spot for us do give a lot of computer space to us:)

  5. I'm old enough to remember watching him as the lead in The Swamp Fox.

  6. The absolute best thing about Airplane is that no matter how many times you've watched it, it's likely you'll notice another little detail you missed when you watch it again.

    "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue!"

  7. "You take a chance when you get out of bed, cross the street or stick your face in the fan."


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