Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Rats Are Leaving the Sinking Hulk of the Joe Miller Campaign

The lawyers have started leaving.

That is perhaps the surest sign that Joe Miller’s chances of becoming the next senator from Alaska are evaporating. With each passing day that election workers here in the state capital manually count write-in votes cast for Senator Lisa Murkowski, it appears increasingly likely that Alaskans spell too well for Mr. Miller’s math to work.
Ben Ginsberg, a Republican lawyer who worked on the Florida recount in the 2000 presidential campaign and was brought to Juneau to work for Ms. Murkowski, flew out on Friday night. At least three of the seven lawyers that the National Republican Senatorial Committee hired to help Mr. Miller will have left by Saturday.
If you read the entire article, you will see that Miller is also relying on a well-known GOP race-baiter, who may be flogging fraudulent affidavits to try and gum up the counting of the write-in votes.

Stealing elections: It's what the GOP does, after all.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that I found myself rooting for the Repub Murkowski over the teabagging piece of shit Miller to win that election after the Dem got shot down on election day.

    My only hope is that she will side w/the spineless Dem's more than she does the Rethugs that abandoned her.


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