Monday, November 15, 2010

Progress in Alabama, or
What Is the Life of a Civil Rights Protestor Worth?

Six months in jail on a misdemeanor charge, apparently. That's progress from 45 years ago, when a grand jury then refused to indict the cop that killed Jimmie Lee Jackson.

The story doesn't mention it, but the cops were beating his grandfather, who was 82. The cops beat Jimmie Lee Jackson and threw him up against a cigarette machine, where Alabama State Trooper James Fowler shot him twice in the belly at very close range. Then the cops beat Mr. Jackson some more.

Maybe in another half-century, it might even a felony for an Alabama policeman to murder a Black man.

1 comment:

  1. Civil rights of many types seem to be under (in this case only too literal)fire just now. Apparently, the presumption of innocence no longer exists in airports---tho they are not shooting people yet. ( Here. )

    Wake me up, this nightmare sucks.


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