Saturday, November 20, 2010

OK, So Maybe Texas Isn't a Complete Bastion of Bigoted Assholiness

Not when stuff like this can happen:
Trans Pioneer Phyllis Frye Becomes Texas' First Trans Judge
Phyllis Randolph Frye, longtime legal advocate for the transgender community, was sworn in this morning as the state's first transgender judge. Frye was appointed by Houston Mayor Annise Parker as an Associate Municipal Judge. The city council unanimously approved her appointment, along with a couple dozen other appointments, with little fanfare and no dissent.
By two weeks, she missed being the first in the nation, as Victoria Kolakowski won an election to the bench in Alameda County, CA.

Nothing like this has happened in New York, which has its own collection of bigoted assholes, as you can see by perusing the comment thread on the Daily News article. After all, New York elected former terrorist symp Peter King as a congressman.

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