Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up to the sound of a Bell helicopter approaching from off in the distance. The sound of a Bell "Huey" type helicopter, with the "whapping" sound made by its two long rotor blades, is very distinctive.

It was loud enough to rattle my bedroom windows and given the lateness of the hour, it probably seemed a lot louder than it would have during the day. I got up and went to the bathroom, I could hear the sound of the rotor blades getting louder. Then the helicopter passed overhead and there was hardly a sound of it to be heard from it. What I heard, then, was the sound of the wind, as it was blowing hard and probably gusting at 30MPH or so.

A helo flying by in the middle of the night, fairly low and in conditions that would have made for a pretty nasty ride. That sounds like a medevac. I hope the patient made it.

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