Friday, November 19, 2010

Let's Help Out the TSA!

Here's how to do it:

Wear a loose top, like an oversized t-shirt. Women should wear a loose skirt with an elastic waist. Guys can wear loose pants or kilts (they were good enough for Mel Gibson, at least before he became a drunken, foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Semite).

Then, if you are selected for a TSA groping, just whip those suckers off. Undergarments would be a good idea to avoid a charge of indecent exposure.

By the way, if you are a drooling-on-yourself level imbecile, like Rep. John Mica, you might think that the solution is turning over the TSA security function to a bunch of private companies*, which will happily employ even lower-paid people to grope you.

The problem there, of course, is that the rent-a-cops will have to grope you to TSA standards and given that they will be making minimum wage to feel you up, the job will attract a whole host of Level III sex offenders. Because nobody who has the smarts to figure out how to run a french-fryer at McDonalds will want to grope people for a living.

(H/T for the flag)
* Many of which gave large bribes campaign contributions to Mica.


  1. Men should wear kilts, in fine Scottish colors, wearing what every true Scotsman wears under his kilt -- shoes and socks ;).

    - Badtux the Proposer-but-not-implementer Penguin


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