Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Joe Miller, Just Another Whiny-Ass Loser Who Seeks to Use Lawyers to Thwart the Will of the Voters

Joe Miller, just another in a sad string of whiny GOP sore losermen, is sueing to stop the state of Alaska from counting any ballots where a vote misspelled the name "Murkowski".

Funny thing about those teabaggers: They deride anyone who seeks to rectify a wrong against them by going to court. If you were fired for illegal reasons from your job, the conservatives think that you should suck it up and get another job. If a product breaks and hurts you, the conservatives think it's your own damn fault.

But let somebody wrong them in their eyes and they set speed records on the way to the court clerk's office to file their litigation papers.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he can threaten the state of Alaska with his paid thugs from Army bases.


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