Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here's Your Summons for Playing Chess in a Playground

About what one would expect from the NYPD:
Police demonstrated their staunch commitment to enforcing the law when they arrested seven men in an Inwood Hill playground — for playing chess.

A swarm of bulletproof vest-clad police descended on the group of men last month and issued them tickets for playing chess in an area reserved for adults who have children with them.
In a rational city, one cop would have strolled over and said: "Guys, you can't be here, move your chess games over there."

But that's not how the NYPD does things, not when they can hand out tickets to all concerned and make their quotas.


  1. Shit, those guys are lucky to be alive!

    More than one perp, you say? How many helicopters and snipers did the blue gang call out? They never go in unless they outnumber their victims by 30-1, otherwise they faint and experience explosive diarrhea from the sheer panic of it.

    They must have at least started firing their weapons before they got outside the doors of their station, right?

  2. Indeed, Nangleator. The sight of all those cops descending upon this tiny park must have been awe-inspiring. But can you blame our boys in blue for being so careful? What if these were the Four Chessmen of the Apocalypse and their loyal minions? Huh? Huh? The children, think of the children!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Guess we better get used to living in a police state- it's here, and I don't think enough of the youngsters today have the grapes to do anything about it.

    I point this kind of crap out to my kids, and have made sure they read 'little brother', but 2 kids do not a movement make.


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