Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here's the Alaska Question

Now that she has won re-election by a write-in campaign and defeated the darling of Palin and the Teabaggers, will Lisa Murkowski be less willing to toe the Confederate party line than she has been in the past?


  1. Ya know.....I have been asking myself the same question about ole Lisa. I think I read somewhere that she wants an apology from the Rethug leadership fuckwads.

  2. Our earliest indication could have come yesterday when the Senate voted to defeat the Paycheck Fairness Act, but she wasn't in attendance. Her vote wouldn't have made the difference because Ben Nelson did what he always does and voted with the GOP (unanimously against)so the measure to end cloture on the debate failed 51-48.
    But Murkowski might have shown some intestinal fortitude and voted with sane people on the rights of women to earn the same as men (duh!)
    She's earned some independence, but don't hold your breath waiting for it to show up in the Senate.

  3. Been on Reddit too long. Was looking for the little arrow to upvote you.

  4. Bridget, I don't play with any of those sites.

  5. My guess is no. The money's too good on that end of the political spectrum.


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