Monday, November 22, 2010

Don't Forget to Thank Your Molester for Molesting You

That would seem to be the masochistic attitude of one of the former "loyal Bushies," who was an appointee to the DBP, who wants travelers to thank the TSA gropers for frisking them:
“Instead of making this Wednesday National Opt-Out Day in which a bunch of self-appointed guardians of liberty slow down the line for everyone by asking for pat-downs,” said [Stewart] Baker, “maybe what we need is a day when everyone who goes through the line says, ‘Thanks for what you do.’ ”
Geese will sing the National Anthem before that happens.


  1. Poor TSA worker, your doing something you would not like to happen to you. Actually it should happen to you every day when you appear at your job or go off shift and reappear you must undergo the enhanced screening. Whats to say your not working with terrorists or are a terrorist? I can easily justify that comment as your "just following orders" from a superior that has taken our constitution as doesn't apply to them.
    Sorry poor babies, the Neuremberg Defense do not apply when you know it's wrong and still carry out the order.

    If you treat passengers as criminals then it's fair to treat everyone in the airport as criminals and since you TSA guys are committing sexual battery, and know it, seems your treatment by the public is unimportant, and appropriate, just keep following orders. Or else!

    Of course if your TSA job is so distasteful your can also "opt out" just like thousands of Americans you've felt up that have no choice because their job requires air travel.

    So there it is. If the TSA job sucks that bad maybe because your milking the teat of the same public your copping a feel of. You know when your doing something so wrong like violating people, taking their money and property it's time for you QUIT.

    Remember even cattle have PETA on their side.


  2. God I love your one liners :)

  3. Yes, indeed Eck! They tell travelers to not travel if they don't like the scans/grope-searches. So if they don't like catching verbal flak, they should not work for the Totally Stupid Asshats.

  4. Nunya, I'll be here all week. Try the veal and don't forget to tip the waitresses. :)


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