Saturday, November 20, 2010

Banksters Want to Fuck the Homeowners;
They Want Congress to Supply the K-Y

Their solution is to retroactively legalize the clusterfuck that is the banksters' Mortgage Electronic Recording System and to eviscerate states' laws on recording title documents.

Funny how the Confederate party drops its dedication to states' rights when the banksters tell them to. The banksters deliberately ignored state statutes on recording mortgages, now they want Congress to make their shoddy practices, if not outright fraudulent conveyances legal.

Congress should tell them to go fuck themselves. But they won't, for between the Confederate party's fealty to the banksters as well as enough Democrats who are more than willing to do the dirty work for those unindicted felons, this end-run around state recording statutes will probably work.

If there is any example more illustrative of the fact that our government is for sale, I don't, offhand, recall what it could be.

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