Sunday, November 7, 2010

Banksters Can Get Away With a Lot of Evil Shit

More from the Russification of the USA:
EAGLE, Colorado — A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face felony charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardize his job, prosecutors said Thursday.
So, if you live in Colorado and you are sufficiently rich, you can run over bicyclists and get away with probation and paying damages, because you are rich and you work for even richer people.

You can bet your ass that if the perpetrator was a gardener, the prosecutor would not be so concerned that the perp might lose his job.

The rich and powerful get to do whatever criminal acts they want and get away with it. Just like any other jerkwater Third World country.


  1. Yep, used to be a few thou to the local DA and all was quiet. Now it's more costly but you get to flaunt it.

    Eeech, hork!

    Yep the rich get richer. I suppose the restitution will also be part of his tax write off.

    It would be irony to take the restitution money and buy a billboard in the area and cover it with images of surgical scars and a choice phrase or two but that kind of money when it finally arrives usually also buys, err pays for silence, or else.


  2. I hope the bicyclist isn't punished too severely for delaying one of our masters.

  3. The motorist wasn't one of our masters, he was a high-ranking servant of our masters.


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