Friday, October 8, 2010

"We Know All About You, You're Boring"

That is what an FBI agent said when they came to retrieve the tracking device that they had put on some kid's car.

Do you feel safer now?



  1. We must be protected from the boring college students of mass destruction, or our civilization shall be destroyed, yo! Yeah, I feel safer. Sorta like swimming in a shark pond with a foam finger to protect me safer. Heh.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. 34 years ago was 1976, the 200th. Somewhere during life all this happened and we call it DasGov.

    Orwell was off by 20 years. Never did I imagine that 1984 or animal farm would actually become rather than be an example of other former dysfunctional governments. History recursive.


  3. I hope that is a joke of a news report, if it isn't,al-Qa'ida has won hands down. Your rights and freedoms are withering away rapidly. Good luck to you, my southern neighbours...Allan

  4. Nope, not a joke. The Supremes even danced on this. The FBI can follow anybody for any reason, they said -- even boring college students who had the misfortune to be a friend of someone else who said something stupid.


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