Monday, October 11, 2010

The Tea Party's Myth

Paul Krugman dynamites the myth of the Obama Administration as big spenders.

One thing he didn't mention is that the $700 TARP bailout came in at less then a tenth of that number, as banks were eager to pay back the money, so they could both shed the stigma of taking Federal money and they could go back to paying huge bonuses to the rapacious dirtbags who ran them over the cliff in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. Oh puh-leeze. Everybody knows that the facts have a liberal bias, so we don't need no steenkin facts, we have faith, faith I say, in what our Party commissars on Faux News and hate radio told us to believe! Take your liberal facts and shove'em where the sun don't shine, yessiree, 'cause us good Republicans know that facts are just liberal lies, yessiree.

    - Badtux the Republican-channelin' Penguin


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