Thursday, October 7, 2010

Obama Administration- Standing Up for BP All the Way

I have to wonder whose side the Administration was on during the BP oil catastrophe.
The Obama administration failed to act upon or fully inform the public of its own worst-case estimates of the amount of oil gushing from the blown-out BP well, slowing response efforts and keeping the American people in the dark for weeks about the size of the disaster, according to preliminary reports from the presidential commission investigating the accident.
This is the sort of fuckery that one would have expected from the "heckovajobs" running the Bush Administration. Between deliberately understating the amount of oil spill to allowing BP to keep the press away and giving near-complete control of the cleanup to BP, the Obama Administration acted like a servant of BP.

So whose side are they on? I don't think it is ours.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're not just coming to that conclusion now. It's been blatantly obvious since early in his administration. Truly terrifying is the DOJ's decision to push the suit against former AG Ashcroft to the SC to get the lower court's ruling that the AG is NOT above the law REVERSED.


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