Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Hypocrisy From the Teabaggers

Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller said Monday that he will not be answering any more questions about his personal background for the remainder of the campaign.

"We've drawn a line in the sand. You can ask me about background, you can ask me about personal issues. I'm not going to answer," Miller said.
So, let's be clear about this: Bashing Obama for knowing Illinois politicians or where he went to Church in Chicago or where he was born or being a community organizer, that's OK.

Asking Joe Miller why he is against government handouts when he colluded with his wife so she could file for unemployment assistance or why he takes the state's oil money (him, wife, 8 kids, means they collect $12,810) or why he has six figures of credit card debt or why he availed himself of government-backed student loans, that's not OK.

Just to be clear on this: Get a few parking tickets as a Democrat and the Confederates will proclaim you to be unfit for office. A Republican whose hobby used to be murdering hobos, raping co-eds and eating roasted puppy livers, well, "that's all in the past" and is not an impediment to being elected.

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